A single bisexual, Indian chick's journey to deliver a healthy baby before my biological clock runs out

Posts tagged “insemination

Day 14: Hips Up

I got a slightly late start this morning. Before I get on the subway, I place my order with the sperm bank. When I pick up the stuff, I ask the doctor how long the sperm is good for. He says 4 hours. I figure that’s plenty of time for me to get to the infertility clinic even with a 1-2 hour wait. When I look at how much sperm there is, I’m shocked. The gay friend who I was doing the DIY turkey-baster method with during 2010 produced way more in his loads–at least enough to fill 1/2 a syringe. But this several $100-specimen I hold in my hands is a mere fraction. Can so little even work? I guess the sperm bank separates out the sperm from the semen when they “wash” it so it’s more concentrated. Like frozen Florida orange juice.